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lunes, 1 de marzo de 2010

La guerra cruel

Esta es la canción que, según cuentan, pusiera al grupo "Voces y Guitarras" en las capaces manos de Juan Carlos Calderón. Aquí les dejo al grupo que la cantara originalmente: "Peter, Paul and Mary"

Canción: Cruel War
Autores: Paul Stookey y Peter Yarrow

The cruel war is raging; Johnny has to fight.
I want to be with him from morning till night.
I want to be with him, it grieves my heart so.
"Won't you let me go with you?" "No, my love no."

Tomorrow is Sunday, Monday is the day
That your captain will call you and you must obey.
Your captain will call you, it grieves my heart so.
"Won't you let me go with you?" "No, my love no."

I'll tie back my hair; men's clothing I'll put on,
I'll pass as your comrade as we march along,
I'll pass as your comrade, no one will ever know.
"Won't you let me go with you?" "No, my love no."

Oh Johnny, oh Johnny, I fear you are unkind,
I love you far better than all of mankind,
I love you far better than words can e'er express.
"Won't you let me go with you?" "Yes, my love yes"
"Yes, my love yes"

1 comentario:

Diana dijo...

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